Monday 25 June 2007

Get Back Wired!

Since we believe that Wi-fi isn't safe and that you would be better off using the wired alternatives I have joined together with some friends and associates to produce a few simple tips to help you to get back to life in a wired, wireless-free world.

See my other blog.

Monday 4 June 2007

Bendetta : Very Bad Science

I've given up with Ben Goldacre - he has decided that microwaves are safe and that electrosensitive people are not affected by electromagnetic radiation.

More than that he appears to be embarking on a vendetta or crusade against the victims of electromagnetic radiation.

Instead of Championing a cause against many Wireless Goliaths he is siding with them.

I have just discovered that he was an invited guest speaker for a fringe meeting sponsored by the Mobile Phone Operators Association at last year's Labour Party Conference (with Labour's favourite grocer Lord Sainsbury) - the title "Science fact or science fiction: How should politicians respond to media scare stories?".

I asked him "Do you receive income or benefits from Companies or Organisations other than “The Guardian” who are linked with the Mobile Phone or Wireless Operators?" to which he replied "don’t be pathetic, of course i’m not."

So there you have it Ben Goldacre's bias is entirely his own.

On another question of whether he had ever met an electrosensitive person he appeared to ignore the question 3 to 4 times. He did say "i have engaged with rod read [of Electrosensitivity UK] at length" - but I didn't take this to be an answer to my question.

Ben Goldacre's latest post is as follows ( ):-

"good to see that you admit you’ve simply not read the 37 [EHS] studies examining the central hypothesis of your lobby. i’m sorry you mock the notion of reading academic research and find it onerous.

i have engaged with rod read [of Electrosensitivity UK] at length, although it’s often not very easy. like many people including those from within your own lobby and the media i have found him to be abusive, incoherent and occasionally slightly threatening, i’m afraid. there are various examples of his correspondence on , and i should add i have been consistently very polite with him. i can happily provide you with my full email correspondence with him if he wishes to dispute that.

i would also strongly recommend that people read rod read’s own words on his own website here

in light of the above i must say i now do rather struggle to suppress a smile when i see him portrayed in the media as a measured and sensible authority.

rod, alasdair, and others have recklessly accused me of some very bizarre and regrettable things, i’ve made a little collection of them for a much larger piece i’m writing on the subject."

I for one, can't wait for more one-sided vitriol from this self-appointed "Expert".

One of the "37" studies was by Rubin however, this study has been criticised for flaws, with comments on the same BMJ site . Rubin is also the reviewer of many of those 37 studies mentioned. I will track them down.

For further background on Bad Science and the Guardian see the Mast Sanity forum for a thread entitled "Guardian in 'bogus' attack on Panorama".

Also see Powerwatch's reply to Ben Goldacre.